Learning Outcome 1

Over the course of this semester, I have improved in ways that has helped me deeper understand and improve my global and local revision skills. At the beginning of the semester, I was struggling to find ways to globally revise. It was difficult for me to connect with other people’s writing and give feedback in a way to offer new suggestions, especially since I was getting used to annotating the texts we were given. For example, the first paper I was revising for a peer it was extremely hard to not comment on spelling errors and simple grammar mistakes. However, I found ways to turn it around. Instead of worrying about the smaller grammatical errors, I would instead comment, “what does this mean?” This has helped me with my own revision. I have figured out ways to include different quotes that was beneficial as well as incorporating other sources. For example, In my final version of my Showcase paper, I included an extra source which was Lily Simon’s narrative project and used it to integrate my perspective on why I believe narratives are beneficial. Global revisions has helped me grow as a writer because it has helped me open up to what my peers have to bring to my paper. Most of the time, they have suggestions that have helped strengthen my paper. I have improved with local revision dramatically by making sure I have multiple fresh eyes to read my paper. This way, the smaller errors will be more recognizable. Overall, improving in global and local edits has helped me improve as a writer.