Blog 6

After comparing my first draft essay with Shitty First Drafts, I do feel that my draft is considered “shitty”. I know it is not perfection, but I feel like it is off to a good start. I found it amusing when they talked about how nobody can have a perfect draft the first time around … [Read more…]

Blog 5

In this assignment I was asked to prioritize global edits over local edits. At first it was pretty difficult. It was hard to not notice a simple spelling error or if a sentence did not make sense by the way it was phrased. They are the first details to really catch my eye. However, I … [Read more…]

Blog 4

When comparing love to the sun, it has a positive meaning. What about comparing love to cancer? Does it have the same meaning as the sun? Words can make a powerful impact on us, especially in metaphorical terms. We subconsciously use metaphors in our everyday lives. They play a large enough roll in our lives … [Read more…]

Blog 3

It has become common today to dismiss the idea of metaphors taking a large impact on our every day lives. Dhruv Khullar presents, “The Trouble With Medicine’s Metaphors” as an informational story on how metaphors greatly affect views on illness. He describes how patients react with old military metaphors which are terms associated with illnesses. … [Read more…]

Blog 2

I have now read the article, “See Through Words” twice. My experience reading through the second time opened my eyes to a whole new world. I noticed a different pace in my reading overall. I found myself slowing down more and really trying to fully understand what I was reading before I moved on with … [Read more…]

Blog 1

“I never thought of it that way”. It is never really something you think about having a concept for a metaphor of a metaphor. I really find it interesting that Erard would think more deeply into metaphors as they are a metaphor within themself. However, I see how this is how you can give metaphors … [Read more…]

Blog 0

My first impression of the Eportfolio is that it is extremely impressive. I think there is so much work that can be done on it. However, I am not good with technology in general, so this is going to take me some time to get used to. I am still not comfortable too with the … [Read more…]